Map View

The Kayo map view page shows you a real-time overview of all your vehicle’s locations. You can see vehicle paths taken recently, view satellite imagery, and dive deeper into a particular vehicle’s details.

Watch this short video to see how to access and use Map View features:


To access the map in the Kayo app, click on the location icon in the bottom right corner:



Trips are defined as the period of time a vehicle is turned on. If a vehicle is turned off for 30 seconds or longer, the Trip will stop. Once the vehicle is turned on again, a new Trip begins.

The Kayo device has a built-in battery that allows it to function for a period of time even if disconnected from the vehicle’s battery.

Clicking on a vehicle's location will show the vehicle tile at the bottom, and clicking on that tile will take you back to that vehicle’s detail page [1], and clicking on the expand icon [2] will remove most menu elements so the screen is almost entirely covered by the map. This is useful when you are not interacting with the map, and just need to view it for extended periods of time:



When viewing any particular vehicle's details, you'll find a View on Map button that will take you directly to that's vehicle's location on the map:



Note, when you scroll around the map, you’ll no longer be locked to a particular vehicle. On the Map View, you can see in real time the position and current speed of the selected vehicle. This is also where you can view the routes that past trips followed with other details:



If you have multiple vehicles, you can assign each a Map ID on the Vehicle Edit Page. That way, when you view the map, you can tell at a glance which vehicle is which:


Satellite View

The entire map background can be changed from the default road view to a photographic satellite view by first expanding your map options [1] then toggling satellite view on [2]:


This will let you see even more visual details from your vehicle's surroundings and other local landmarks:



Click on the exit button to go back to your home page.



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If you have any other questions or suggestions, please reach out to us at